Problem Description
Given two strings text1
and text2
, return the length of their longest common subsequence. If there is no common subsequence, return 0.
A subsequence of a string is a new string generated from the original string with some characters (can be none) deleted without changing the relative order of the remaining characters.
A common subsequence of two strings is a subsequence that is common to both strings.
Example 1:
Input: text1 = "abcde", text2 = "ace"
Output: 3
Explanation: The longest common subsequence is "ace" and its length is 3.
Example 2:
Input: text1 = "abc", text2 = "abc"
Output: 3
Explanation: The longest common subsequence is "abc" and its length is 3.
Example 3:
Input: text1 = "abc", text2 = "def"
Output: 0
Explanation: There is no common subsequence between the two strings.
1 <= text1.length, text2.length <= 1000
consist of only lowercase English characters.
Dynamic Programming Solution
We can solve this using a 2D DP table where:
- Rows represent characters from text1
- Columns represent characters from text2
- Each cell [i][j] represents the length of LCS for text1[0…i-1] and text2[0…j-1]
The DP state transition:
- If characters match:
dp[i][j] = 1 + dp[i-1][j-1]
- If characters don’t match:
dp[i][j] = max(dp[i-1][j], dp[i][j-1])
Here’s the Python implementation:
class Solution:
def longestCommonSubsequence(self, text1: str, text2: str) -> int:
n, m = len(text1), len(text2)
grid = [[0] * (m+1) for _ in range(n+1)]
for r in range(1, n+1):
for c in range(1, m+1):
if text1[r-1] == text2[c-1]:
grid[r][c] = 1 + grid[r-1][c-1]
grid[r][c] = max(grid[r-1][c], grid[r][c-1])
return grid[n][m]
Bonus: Retrieving the Subsequence
While the problem only asks for the length, we can also retrieve the actual subsequence:
def getLCS(self, text1: str, text2: str) -> str:
n, m = len(text1), len(text2)
grid = [[0] * (m+1) for _ in range(n+1)]
# Fill the grid as before
for r in range(1, n+1):
for c in range(1, m+1):
if text1[r-1] == text2[c-1]:
grid[r][c] = 1 + grid[r-1][c-1]
grid[r][c] = max(grid[r-1][c], grid[r][c-1])
# Backtrack to find the subsequence
subsequence = ""
r, c = n, m
while r > 0 and c > 0:
if text1[r-1] == text2[c-1]:
subsequence = text1[r-1] + subsequence
r -= 1
c -= 1
elif grid[r-1][c] > grid[r][c-1]:
r -= 1
c -= 1
return subsequence
Complexity Analysis
Time Complexity: , where n and m are the lengths of the input strings
- We need to fill every cell in the DP table exactly once
- Each cell operation is O(1)
Space Complexity:
- We need a 2D table to store the intermediate results
- This can be optimized to O(min(n,m)) by using only two rows