Given an array of n distinct numbers and a positive integer k, we need to:
- Find the kth smallest number in the array
- Return the k numbers that are closest to this value
For example, if we have the array [7, 3, 9, 1, 5] and k=3, we would:
- First find the 3rd smallest number (5)
- Then return the 3 numbers closest to 5 (3, 5, 7)
The Solution Approach
# Step 1: Find the kth smallest number
target = MM-SELECT(A, n, k)
# Step 2: Create array to store differences
diffs = new array[1...n]
for i = 1 to n
diffs[i] = {
value: A[i],
diff: |A[i] - target|
# Step 3: Find k numbers with smallest differences
result = new array[1...k]
for i = 1 to k
minDiffIndex = 1
for j = 2 to n
if diffs[j].diff < diffs[minDiffIndex].diff
minDiffIndex = j
else if diffs[j].diff == diffs[minDiffIndex].diff and
diffs[j].value < diffs[minDiffIndex].value
minDiffIndex = j
result[i] = diffs[minDiffIndex].value
diffs[minDiffIndex].diff = INFINITY # Mark as processed
return result
Breaking Down the Algorithm
Step 1: Finding the Target
We begin by finding the kth smallest number using the Median of Medians (MM-SELECT) algorithm. This is crucial because it guarantees linear time performance in the worst case, unlike its randomized counterpart. This number becomes our reference point for finding the closest values.
Step 2: Computing Differences
Next, we calculate how far each number in our array is from our target value. We store both the original value and its difference from the target. This step helps us track which numbers are closest to our target value while maintaining the ability to return the original numbers.
Step 3: Selecting the Closest Numbers
Finally, we select the k numbers with the smallest differences from our target. We do this by repeatedly finding the minimum difference and adding the corresponding number to our result. To handle ties (when two numbers are equally distant from the target), we prefer the smaller number.
Time Complexity Analysis
Let’s analyze each component of our algorithm:
- Finding the kth smallest number: O(n)
- Computing differences: O(n)
- Selecting k closest numbers: O(k*n)
The total time complexity is O(k*n). When k is considered a constant, this gives us a linear-time algorithm. Even in the worst case where k = n, the algorithm runs in O(n²) time.
Space Complexity
The algorithm uses additional space to store:
- The differences array: O(n)
- The result array: O(k)
This gives us a total space complexity of O(n).